
Showing posts from March, 2020

Studies for a Vortex media report 4

Fourth review on " Studies for a Vortex " at Raben Report (German only!) . Thank you for the support. Der Name Andre Coelho sollte eingefleischten Freunden der harschen Klänge durchaus ein Begriff sein, denn Sektor 304 war dessen maßgebliches geistiges Kind. Noch immer recht aktiv, so schlägt der Musiker nun mit einem neuen Projekt auf, welches unter dem Namen Metadevice fungiert, und deshalb auch (kaum verwunderlich) im Fahrwasser von Vertretern wie Strom. Ec , IRM, oder auch Trepaneringsritualen dümpelt. Das dahinter nun ein erfahrener Kenner am Schaffen ist, dies kristallisiert sich schon frühzeitig heraus, denn die Vernetzung von verzerrten Strukturen mit harscher Artikulierung will auch gekonnt sein, um nicht im sinnfreien Lärm zu driften. Bei Andre Coelho braucht man sich diesbezüglich keine Gedanken machen, denn trotz des derben Fundament schafft es jener, "Studies For A Vortex" variabel und sogar recht 'eingängig' zu servieren. Dies m...

Studies for a Vortex media report 3

Third review on " Studies for a Vortex " at  T he Sound NotTthe Word  . Thank you for the support. Studies for a Vortex  is the soundtrack to a nightmare. Static flickers in and out from your vision, whilst ominous footsteps thud throughout the abandoned factory you find yourself trapped within. The rusted machinery continues to stutter and growl with the remnants of life, menacing in the extreme, whilst something –  something –  marches relentlessly onwards towards you. The first album from  Metadevice  is an example of how industrial, dark ambient, and the most ominous side of drone can combine into something truly haunting and powerful, that’s as uncomfortable to listen to as it is captivating. There’s a slightly retro vibe to a lot of  Studies for a Vortex  that recalls the 80’s, when the aforementioned genres were really finding their distinctive forms. The DNA of the likes of Einsturzende Neubauten and Skinny Puppy is clear throughou...

Studies for a Vortex media report 2

Second review on " Studies for a Vortex " at Forest Punk  . Thank you for the support. Bruised and sullen death industrial power electronic Dark Ambient What’s a Dark Ambient best-of list without some malignant, malevolent post-industrial aesthetics? Not much, that’s what. Studies For A Vortex leans towards the industrial roots of Dark Ambient, in the early 80s, arc-welding harsh noise, power electronics, and throbbing beats, which are then tarred-and-feathered with ominous shadows and unholy atmospherics, all of which form a platform over which  Andre Coelho  spews his antisocial invocations and eulogies. Studies For A Vortex  is legitimately chilling. It sounds like some tortured outsider, living in some abandoned industrial space, sharpening their metal and honing their hatred for humanity in the dead of night. Are they Human? Demon? Machine? It won’t matter when yr tasting their steel.